Six Ways to Leave Your Legacy

pauline By Pauline Quinn, MSAPM
Registered Principal, RJFS

There are many ways to approach charitable giving that provide both personal satisfaction and financial-planning benefits.

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If your Holiday Season includes charitable giving, Morey & Quinn Wealth Partners can help you develop a strategy to ensure you can live comfortably while giving wisely.

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Here are six charitable giving strategies to consider. They range from the simple and straightforward, to more detailed and complex.


Best for – Those who give to a limited number of charities in relatively smaller amounts.

How it works – Choose what groups to contribute to, how much to contribute and – depending on the charity – how your gift is used. When contributing to charitable organizations designated 501(c)(3), churches and religious organizations, private foundations, or other nonprofits, you can deduct gifts and receive tax benefits.

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Best for – Givers who have an insurance policy no longer needed for its original purpose or who are looking to maximize a charitable gift by minimizing exposure to estate taxes.

How it works – Somewhat more complex than outright giving, but straightforward when compared with other charitable giving instruments. It provides a large benefit at relatively low cost and can be accomplished in several ways:

  • Existing contract: Ownership of an existing life insurance contract is transferred to a loved one or charitable organization. You pay a gift tax on a percentage of the policy’s value at transfer, but when it’s ultimately distributed, the payout won’t be taxed as part of your estate.
  • Wealth replacement: Instead of naming your heirs as a beneficiary on your retirement accounts, you maximize your charitable impact and tax protection by designating a charity as a beneficiary of the retirement account, those assets will distribute to the charity tax-free, and then you “replace” those assets in your estate by purchasing a life insurance policy to benefit the heirs.
  • Maximum gift: Use this strategy when the goal is to make a big impact with an existing asset, like property. Property is given to the charity and the tax savings is used to fund a life insurance policy with that same organization as beneficiary.


Best for – Givers who would like to create an income stream for themselves or loved ones while also establishing a charitable legacy.

How it works – A donation is made to a charitable trust. If a donation other than cash is made, those assets are typically liquidated shortly after being transferred into the trust for investment into an income-producing portfolio. Then you – and any other non-charity beneficiary you name – receive income based on the type of CRT. You receive an immediate tax deduction and, upon your death, or after a term of years [not to exceed 20], your designated charitable organization will receive the remainder of the assets in the trust.


Best for – Givers who have an asset that will likely appreciate greatly in value and want to hang onto it while putting it to good use in the meantime – and enjoy some tax benefits.

How it works – A charitable lead trust “leads” with the gift as opposed to leaving it. It involves gifting an asset that is typically then sold and the proceeds reinvested, or the income-producing asset remains in trust. Income generated goes to the charity or charities of your choice for a for a fixed term, such as a set number of years or the life of one or more people, with the remaining principal or asset passing back to you or to your non-charity beneficiaries. Depending on your priorities, a qualified CLT is an effective planning tool that can serve to reduce federal estate, gift and/or income taxes.


Best for – Serious givers who are typically donating a substantial percentage of their annual incomes, or who have a specific philanthropic mission.

How it works – A foundation is created by an attorney with your philanthropic goals as its primary mission. The foundation must establish a board, make mandatory distributions and pay taxes on the foundation’s net-investment income. Records must be kept and reports made on the foundation’s grant-making and other activities.


Best for – Givers who desire a happy medium – the ease of direct giving with the potential to make a more organized, effective impact without the administrative duties and time required by a private foundation.

How it works – Because the funds are sponsored by a charitable organization, you can avoid the cost and upkeep associated with creating a foundation while still guiding grant-making decisions. An irrevocable contribution is made to the fund, typically with cash or marketable securities. You take a tax deduction, the assets are sold and reinvested, and you make grants based on your charitable goals.


This Holiday Season is a good time to start outlining or revisiting your own charitable giving plan. The team at Morey & Quinn Wealth Partners can help you fine tune your charitable giving strategy.

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M&Q wishes you all the Happiest of Holidays and a Prosperous New Year!


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Phone: 402.502.9900
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Any opinions are those of Pauline Quinn, and not necessarily those of RJFS or Raymond James. The information contained in this report does not purport to be a complete description of the securities, markets, or developments referred to in this material. Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected.

Raymond James does not provide tax or legal services. Please discuss these matters with the appropriate professional.

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